P-DTR stands for Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex and is a pain therapy technique that uses a comprehensive system of muscle testing and neural challenges to locate dysfunctional receptors in the body and quickly restore normal function.
Most physical therapy and other therapeutic modalities deal with the “hardware” of the body, neglecting the fact that much of the pain and dysfunction we experience is often actually a problem with our “software”, namely the nervous system.
P-DTR deals with the various sensory receptors (proprioceptors) of the body and the way they affect and modify our movement patterns. These receptors (those for pain, stretch, pressure, hot, cold, vibration, etc.) all send information to the brain for processing and the brain takes this feedback into account when making decisions regarding our movement.
If this information is incorrect, as is often the case, the brain is making its decisions based on bad information.
Pain and dysfunction frequently result.
These nervous system dysfunctions cause certain muscle groups not to "fire" as much as they should, with other muscles having to pick up the slack. This can often manifest as overall body pain, poor posture, muscle pains, tension headaches, neck pain, sore shoulders, tennis or golfers elbow, back pain, "weak core muscles", tight hips, "bad knees", shin splints, Achilles tendonitis, "weak ankles", tingling feet, plantar fasciitis, bunions, and even hammer toes.
P-DTR has proven to be effective for patients seeking to:
Accelerate recovery from acute injuries and eliminate lingering dysfunction and pain from chronic injuries.
Increase range of motion, strength, and stamina and restore muscle function and coordination quickly.
Restore stability and balance throughout the entire body and optimize athletic performance.
P-DTR usesnon-invaisive neural challenges specific to the involved receptors and muscle tests combined with proper stimulation of the deep tendon reflex to make immediate and lasting advances toward restored function.
By correctly demonstrating to the central nervous system the nature of its error, the central nervous system will instantly modify the neuromuscular responses.
This is the beauty of P-DTR.